photographer bios

photographer bios

ayva valentine kunes is a creative writing and philosophy major at Susquehanna University. When not busy reading or writing she can often be found with her camera in hand.

abigail krautheim is a sophomore student at Susquehanna University studying publishing & editing and is a double minor in marketing and professional & civic writing. She is an avid lover of photography and animals.

cara roets is a writer of many genres and a photographer of many lenses. She loves to experiment and takes every opportunity to discover and animate unique subject matter.

Part-time history/art history student, jane seibert (Class of 2021) adores photographing the diverse American landscape and those living there. She has her works published in several magazines, at art shows, and within a museum.

kaila snyder is a senior creative writing and broadcasting double major from Northumberland, PA. She loves flash fiction, spoiling her dog rotten, and eating pizza at 1 a.m.