photographer bios

photographer bios emily speck is a Broadcast major with a film minor from Cleona, Pennsylvania. Photography is a newfound love for her and she plans to continue pursing photography within videography and taking photographs.  nickie vertigan is a Graphic Design major from Downingtown, Pennsylvania. Photography has always been a passion of hers and she has found many …

letter from the editors

emily speck letter from the editors Dear Reader, In light of trying times, we learn to work with the uncontrollable and unpredictable. Essay’s 2022 edition features the creative talents of Nala Washington, Lexi McDonald, Andrea Repetz, Miles DeRosa, Emily Hizny, and many more. This edition of Essay Magazine offers a sense of connection in spite …

2021 masthead

2021 masthead jane seibert CO-EDITORS: bri murphy & abigail krautheim PRINT DESIGNERS AND CO-EDITORS: abigail krautheim & julie heaney READING BOARD HEAD: bri murphy READING BOARD: julia adams, emily hizny, olivia krise, courtney smith, devonne tourre COPYEDITORS: julia adams, emily hizny, courtney smith, devonne tourre FACULTY ADVISOR: hasanthika sirisena