2019 erik kirkland memorial prize

2019 erik kirkland memorial prize The Erik Kirkland Memorial Prize originates from tragedy—the death of a promising young man in a military accident. If anything positive can come from such misfortune, this award, in some small way, accomplishes this. The Writers Institute wishes to thank John and Sara Kirkland for giving their blessing to the …

2020 erik kirkland memorial prize

2020 erik kirkland memorial prize The Erik Kirkland Memorial Prize originates from tragedy—the death of a promising young man in a military accident. If anything positive can come from such misfortune, this award, in some small way, accomplishes this. The Writers Institute wishes to thank John and Sara Kirkland for giving their blessing to the …

2024 masthead

2024 masthead evie stiner * cover photo: sara rados HEAD EDITOR: emily harris HEAD DESIGN EDITOR: hal dittbrenner JUNIOR EDITOR: megan prumbach JUNIOR DESIGN EDITOR: emma ritter WEBSITE MANAGER: haley seitz READING BOARD HEADS: megan prumbach & emma ritter READING BOARD: kathryn murray, christine catterall, jenna delmar, maggie mauro FACULTY ADVISORS: hasanthika sirisena & glen retief

2024 erik kirkland memorial prize

2024 erik kirkland memorial prize The Erik Kirkland Memorial Prize originates from tragedy—the death of a promising young man in a military accident. If anything positive can come from such misfortune, this award, in some small way, accomplishes this. The Writers Institute wishes to thank John and Sara Kirkland for giving their blessing to the …

letter from the editors

sara rados letter from the editors Dear Reader, Last year, we reintroduced Essay Magazine to the world with a new look: Pocket Essay, containing the winner and two runners up of the Erik Kirkland Memorial Prize, along with an essay written by the judge. We launched our new website at the same time, showcasing several …

photographer bios

photographer bios sara rados is a junior anthropology and Spanish double major with an applied linguistic minor. On her GO trip to Mexico, where they took these photos, they picked up photography as a new hobby.  evie stiner is a senior Advertising and Public Relations major from Green Village, New Jersey. she discovered a passion …

photographer bios

photographer bios abigail krautheim is an avid lover of photography and animals. She is a double major in Publishing & Editing and English Literature and a triple minor in Professional & Civic Writing, Marketing, and Professional Sales.  ayva valentine kunes is a senior double major in creative writing and philosophy. When not busy reading or writing, she …