letter from the editors

emily speck letter from the editors Dear Reader, In light of trying times, we learn to work with the uncontrollable and unpredictable. Essay’s 2022 edition features the creative talents of Nala Washington, Lexi McDonald, Andrea Repetz, Miles DeRosa, Emily Hizny, and many more. This edition of Essay Magazine offers a sense of connection in spite …

letter from the editors

caitlin johannes letter from the editors Dear Reader,    In this, our fifth year online, we examined Essay Magazine’s relationship with both print and digital media. In years past, our priority had been in print, with a smaller run on our website. However, there are a myriad of ways in which print alone cannot support the …

2023 Kirkland Prize Winner

2023 erik kirkland memorial prize caitlin johannes The Erik Kirkland Memorial Prize originates from tragedy—the death of a promising young man in a military accident. If anything positive can come from such misfortune, this award, in some small way, accomplishes this. The Writers Institute wishes to thank John and Sara Kirkland for giving their blessing …

photographer bios

sophie rose ferruzza is a senior at Susquehanna University, majoringin Creative Writing Secondary Education. Although her major focuseson writing, she also enjoys taking pictures in her free time, especiallyduring the spring and autumn. Her family is extremely supportive of allher passions, and they’re thrilled that she’s submitting to literarymagazines again. If there’s anything you should …


about essay—from the French essai—was the word Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) used to define a new type of writing that was an “attempt” or “trial” to think clearly on the page. in such writing, Montaigne wished to “speak to the paper, just as [he spoke] to someone [he] met for the first time.” the late …

sister publications

rivercraft is SU’s long-running magazine for literary fiction and poetry. the sanctuary magazine is SU’s magazine for genre and speculative work. They accept virtually all genres and forms—prose, poetry, comics, scripts, slam works, etc.—and they specialize in the strange and experimental. flagship celebrates SU’s commitment to its study abroad program. The magazine publishes travel-themed works of all …

photographer bios

photographer bios miles mcmahon is a senior graphic design and art history double major. He enjoys loitering in art museums, listening to sad indie music, and watching cooking competitions instead of actually cooking for himself. gabi libenson is a first-year communications major at Susquehanna. She grew up in New Hampshire and has spent most of her life traveling …

2019 masthead

2019 masthead cara roets CO-EDITORS: rachel pietrewicz & hannah phillips DESIGNER & MANAGING EDITOR: deon robinson WEB MANAGER: ashley toomey READING BOARD: julie bauer, mackenzie bowers, alison cerri, patrick durney, jason ferris, lydia gilliam, hope martin, hayli mcclain, sarena pollock, kayla quinn, jordyn taylor, alaina walls, kaitlynn yeager COPYEDITORS: nikki anderson, alison cerri, amanda gillette, quinn burkhart FACULTY ADVISORS: hasanthika sirisena & …

2019 print issue

gabi libenson 2019 print issue In addition to our online issue, Essay also publishes a print issue featuring a different set of works by talented nonfiction writers. Enjoy these audio excerpts from some of the pieces in the 2019 print issue. If you would like a copy of the print issue, please email the editors …

2020 print issue

cara roets 2020 print issue In addition to our online issue, Essay also publishes a print issue featuring a different set of works by talented nonfiction writers. This year’s print issue contains work by Jason Ferris, Megan Shaffer, Taylor Rose Meehan, Sarena Pollock, Ellen Smith, Steven Christopher McKnight, and Daniel Sellers.  While we are unable …